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Osprey in Paradise

Thousands of osprey couples are staying at one of the biggest nesting paradise in the world, at Chesapeake Bay Area.

Ospreys are pretty friendly in general, and close to us than any other raptor kinds of wildlife.

Ospreys spend cold winter down South, and are coming back to this area for their nestings.

Their communicating vocals are clear and noticeable, one of the familiar sound of summer.


In April, back from a long journey, reunite with their partners for the time of mating season.


In May, while incubating, male provides the food. After having the head part of fish, female finishes up the tale part of the half.

Male guards the eggs for a while when female does some exercise and cleaning before back to the incubating duty, around 5 weeks.

In this area, 2~3 eggs are common for a couple.

The end of May, ospreys start hatching their babies.


In June, the babies are growing fast. The dad osprey is busy of providing enough fish to feed the babies healthy.

The kids are learning little by little from the nature school.


In July, the sizes of the babies grow day by day, so do the feather development.


In July, mom osprey spends most of the time for guarding and feeding its babies.


In July, hot summer continues, the temperature’s up, ospreys are taking a cool shower from time to time.


Young ospreys having orange color eyes are starting to fledge at the end of July, sharping their flight skills with mom and pa.

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